This is a great clip from Dr. Rhonda Patrick's Found My Fitness podcast.
Listen To Rhonda and Dr. Kroemer discuss some of the compounds, known broadly as caloric restriction mimetics (CRMs), which induce beneficial autophagy by converging, often through different pathways, on modifications of the acetylproteome within the cell that fit a profile like that seen in caloric restriction. Some of the compounds being investigated include resveratrol, spermidine and related polyamines, and hydroxycitrate. Dr. Kroemer discusses some of the compounds, known broadly as caloric restriction mimetics (CRMs), which induce beneficial autophagy by converging, often through different pathways, on modifications of the acetylproteome within the cell that fit a profile like that seen in caloric restriction. Some of the compounds being investigated include resveratrol, spermidine and related polyamines, and hydroxycitrate.